Surgical Pathology, Gross and Micro (Light Microscopy) must be ordered along with Electron Microscopy and Direct Immunofluorescence, all of which will be charged separately.
Marshfield Center: Place fresh specimen in a petri dish with biopsy on gauze moistened with saline and hand delivered to the histology lab.
Other Testing Locations: Samples should be placed into the respective vials of fixative/preservative as soon as possible to limit drying and fixation artifacts. Renal kits can be ordered from Marshfield Labs.
Supplies included in these kits are:
1. A vial of 10% neutral buffered formalin for Gross & Micro, Light Microscopy (LM).
2. A vial of Zeus tissue fixative (or Michel’s) for Immunofluorescence (IF), If Zeus is not available, call the lab for instructions on possible specimen freezing and shipping. The fresh biopsy should be placed in a vial of Zeus transport media (or Michel’s) immediately upon excision. Be certain that the tissue is immersed in the media and not stuck to the edge of the vial or snap cap before tightly replacing the cap.
3. A vial of 2.5% buffered glutaraldehyde for electron microscopy (EM). Specimens must be 1.0 mm or less in one dimension to insure proper penetration of the fixative before autolysis occurs. Tissue must be placed into fixative within one-half hour of removal from patient.
Do not freeze any of these specimens at any time.
Label specimens with patient name, date of birth, and fixative type. Submit completed histology requisition containing patient history, clinical and relevant laboratory test information, requesting physician, collection date, and tissue source, must accompany the specimen. Electronic orders are acceptable, but a hard copy must be sent with the specimen.