Feces - Fresh stool specimen placed into a Total-Fix™ collection vial. Fresh feces can be submitted in a clean sterile container or diaper & must be received in the laboratory within the acceptable time period for analysis. Feces should not be mixed with urine. Specimens left unpreserved for more than 30 minutes may produce misleading results. Three consecutive specimens obtained 1-3 days apart are recommended for increased detection. Separate test orders must be placed. If more than one specimen is collected within a 24 hour time period, only one will be accepted by the lab.
Urine - When looking for Schistosoma haematobium, it is preferred to collect the urine sample around noon and following physical exercise and fluid intake. In patients where S. haematobium is suspected, but eggs cannot be recovered in urine, a rectal biopsy is recommended.
For patients suspicious of Trichomonas vaginalis, molecular methods are recommended. Refer to Trichomonas vaginalis, Nucleic Acid Method (TRICNAM) or Acute Vaginitis by DNA Probe (BDDNA) in our test reference manual for more information. Respiratory secretions - The preferred preservative/collection method depends on the parasite in question. When looking to rule out Amoeba (primarily Entamoeba histolytica), specimens should be submitted fresh and sent to the lab within 2 hours.
Sputum samples should have minimal saliva.
Sigmoidoscopy - Aspirate from the mucosal surface or a visible lesion. The best time to collect a sample is following a bowel movement or 2-3 hours following purgation by a laxative.