A patient's autoantibody profile is more informative than the result of any single test for supporting a diagnosis of Myasthenia Gravis (MG) or Lambert-Eaton syndrome (LES), and for predicting the likelihood of lung carcinoma. Muscle acetylcholine receptor (AChR) and striational antibodies are characteristic but not diagnostic of MG. One or both are found in 13% of patients with LES, but calcium channel antibodies are not found in MG (with exception of rare non-thymomatous paraneoplastic cases).
Muscle AChR binding antibody is found in 90% of nonimmunosuppressed MG patients who have thymoma, and 80% have a striational antibody. Calcium channel antibodies have not been encountered with thymoma. The likelihood of thymoma is greatest when striational antibody is accompanied by a high muscle AChR modulating antibody value (> or =90% AChR loss). Detection of CRMP-5-IgG also is consistent with thymoma in patients not at risk for lung carcinoma.
N-type calcium channel antibodies are more highly associated with primary lung cancer than P/Q-type. One or all of the autoantibodies in the MG/LES evaluation can occur with neoplasia without evidence of neurological impairment. Calcium channel antibodies may disappear soon after commencing immunosuppressant therapy. Other serological markers of lung cancer also may disappear.
One or both calcium channel antibodies (P/Q and N) can occur with paraneoplastic and idiopathic cerebellar ataxia, encephalomyeloneuropathies, and autonomic neuropathy.
Titers are generally higher in patients with severe weakness, but severity cannot be predicted by antibody titer.
AChR and striational antibodies may be undetectable for 6 to 12 months after MG symptom onset and similarly P/Q-type calcium channel antibody may be undetectable for 6 to 12 months after LES onset. Only about 5% of nonimmunosuppressed adult patients with generalized MG remain seronegative for muscle AChR and striational autoantibodies beyond 12 months.
The alternative muscle autoantigen, MuSK, accounts for approximately 1/3 of seronegative MG cases with predominantly oculobulbar symptoms.