Initial evaluation of patients aged 20 or older with symptoms and signs of acquired myasthenia gravis (MG)
Bone marrow transplant recipients with suspected graft-versus-host disease, particularly if weakness has appeared
Confirming that a recently acquired neurological disorder has an autoimmune basis (eg, MG)
Providing a quantitative baseline for future comparisons in monitoring a patient's clinical course and the response to immunomodulatory treatment
Raising likelihood of neoplasia
If muscle AChR modulating antibody value is (or exceeds) 90% acetylcholine receptor (AChR) loss and striational antibody is detected, thymoma is likely. Reflexive testing will include CRMP-5-lgG Western blot, ganglionic AChR antibody, GAD65 antibody, and VGKC antibody (which are frequent with thymoma).