ATTENTION: Genetics consultation needed for this testing. Please contact the Marshfeild Clinic Genetics department at 715-221-7400 to obtain SoundGene testing Kit.
Test is only available to Marshfield Campus, St. Joseph's Hospital and Mfld Labs Regional Centers
TIMING: The sample should be collected at the same time as the state mandated screening specimen. The ideal time is between 24-48 hours of age, as close to 48 hours as possible. If discharged before 24 hours of age, a repeat specimen should be collected at 48 hours of age. Critically ill infants should be screen by 48 hours of age. A pre-transfusion specimen is essential; if this is not possible, obtain one specimen at 24-48 hours of age and a repeat specimen 3 days after the last transfusion. Screen can be done on patient of any age.
TECHNIQUE: Use the standard skin preparation process. Fill each of the 4 circles on the filter paper with a single, free-flowing drop of blood. Do not layer successive drops. Appy blood to only one side of the filter paper. Make sure the blood has saturated through to the back of the filter paper. Only whole blood is acceptable WITHOUT anticoagulant.
HANDLING: Air dry on a flat surface in a cool dark area away from heat and light for 3-4 hours. Do not stack, or allow the blood spots to touch other surfaces during the drying process. Ship promptly at ambient temperature. If unable to ship immediately, store overnight at room temperature; if over a weekend store refrigerated or store in a plastic bag in the freezer.