Specimen Transport/Preparation
NOTE: Wear gloves when handling the BD MAX UVE Specimen Collection kit components and specimens. If gloves come In contact with the specimen, Immediately change them to prevent contamination of other specimens.
Specimens should be collected using the BD MAX UVE Specimen Collection kit and following the BD MAX UVE Specimen Collection kit instructions. For specimens not yet transferred into the BD MAX UVE Sample Buffer Tube, prepare the samples for testing following instructions below.
Transfer of Vaginal Swab Specimens to the BD MAX UVE Sample Buffer Tube:
NOTE: Swabs must be transferred from the swab sheath to the BD MAX UVE Sample Buffer Tube directly (preferred) or within 2 hours of collection when kept at 2-30 degrees Celsius.
NOTE: Swab specimen transfer workflow.
1. Uncap the BD MAX UVE Samp Ie Buffer Tube and fully insert the swab into the tube so that the tip Is at the bottom.
2. Grasping the swab by the cap, carefully break the swab shaft at the score mark. Use caution to avoid splashing or contamination of the tube contents.
3. Tighten the cap securely on the BD MAX UVE Sample Buffer Tube, In the event that the swab shaft is too long to al low closing the tube secure ly, request the collection of a new specimen using a new swab.
4. Label the BD MAX UVE Sample Buffer Tube with patient information and date/time collected. NOTE: Be careful not to obscure the barcodes on the tube.