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Synonyms, Keywords
Test Components
26038JAKXBSOJAK2 Exon 12 and Other Non-V617F Mutation Detection, Blood (JAKXB)
​JAK2 Exon 12
JAK2 Exon 13
JAK2 Exon 14
JAK2 Exon 15
Janus Kinase 2 Gene
Janus Kinase 2 Gene Sequencing
Tyrosine Kinase Gene Sequencing
Tyrosine Kinase Mutuation
JAKXB / JAK2 Exon 12 and Other Non-V617F Mutation Detection
24815JAK2MSOJAK2 Mutation Detection, Bone Marrow (JAK2M)
​Ref Lab Code: 31155, Janus kinase 2 genem, Tyrosine Kinase Mutation
23237JAK2SOJAK2 V617F Mutation Detection, Blood (JAK2B)
​Ref Lab Code: 88715, Janus kinase 2 gene, 83872-JAK2B, Tyrosine Kinase Mutation
25482MPNRSOJAK2 V617F with reflex to CALR and MPL (MPNR)
83872-JAK2B, Janus kinase 2 gene, Tyrosine Kinase Mutation, CALR Calreticulin Essential Thrombocythemia, JAK2-negative Myeloproliferative Neoplasm, Myelofibrosis, Myeloproliferative Disorder, Myeloproliferative Neoplasm (MPN), Primary Myelofibrosis, MPL S505, MPLW515, Myeloproliferative leukemia virus oncogene
​JAK2, V617F,(JAK2B), CALR (CALX), MPL (exon10) (MPLR)
26051FJCVSOJC Polyoma Virus DNA, Quantitative Real-Time PCR, Plasma (FJCV)
​JC Virus
22807JO1JO-1 Antibodies