22850 | RABIES | Rabies Antibody Screen, RFFIT | | | 22851 | RAPST | Rapid Strep Screen | Rapid Group A Strep, Group A Strep Antigen | | 25502 | RASFPSO | RAS/RAF Targeted Gene Panel, Tumor (RASFP) | Tumor panel, Oncology panel, NRAS, KRAS, HRAS, BRAF | | 22852 | | Red Cell Antigen Typing | Antigen Typing, Rare Factor | | 26147 | RBCGNSO | Red Cell Genotyping Panel (3530) | Red Cell Genotyping Panel (44 antigens reported**):
M, N, S, s, U, (including Uvar); C, c, E, e (including partial C, partial c, partial e),
V (Rh10), hrS (Rh19), VS (Rh20), hrB (Rh31); K, k, Kpa, Kpb, Jsa, Jsb; Fya, Fyb;
Jka, Jkb; Doa, Dob; Hy, Joa; Lua, Lub; Dia, Dib; Yta, Ytb; Coa, Cob; Cra; Vel
** The following Rh antigens are reported as necessary: Crawford (RH43), JAL (RH48), STEM (RH49), CEST (RH57), CELO (RH58), CEAG (RH59), CEVF (RH61).
| | 26146 | RBCSTSO | Red Cell Genotyping Pnl, STAT (3500) | | COMMON PANEL: C, c, E, e, M, N, S, s, K, k, Fya, Fyb, Jka, Jkb, Jsa, Jsb, Doa, Dob, Lua, Lub, Kpa, U, Uvar
RhVARIANT PANEL: C, E, c, e (including ces), hrS (Rh19), hrB (Rh31), altered C (r'S), V, VS, Crawford (Rh43) | 22853 | RED | Reducing Substance - Stool | | | 26041 | UREDFSO | Reducing Substance, Feces (UREDF) | stool sugar, fecal sugar | Screening test (Benedict's Copper Reduction Reaction) for:
Diarrhea from disaccharidase deficiencies, (eg, lactase deficiency)
Monosaccharide malabsorption | 22163 | MISC | Renal Acidification Test, Urine | Acidification Test, Renal Acidosis Study, Wong and Davies Test | | 22857 | HMISC | Renal Biopsy | Histology, Immunofluorescence Antibodies, Kidney, Direct FA Renal Biopsy, DIF, IF, Surgical Pathology | Surgical Pathology, Gross and Microscopic Examination H&E Surgical Pathology, Gross and Microscopic Examination H&E (G&M)
Special Stains – PAS, Masson Trichrome, Jones, and Congo Red
2. Electron Microscopy (EM)
3. Direct Immunofluorescence (DIF) - IgA IF, IgG IF, IgM IF, C3 IF, Fibrinogen IF, C1q IF, Kappa IF, and Lambda IF. | 22855 | RI | Renal Failure Indices | Fractional Excretion of Sodium, Renal Failure Index, RFI | Urine Creatinine and Sodium Blood Creatinine and Sodium | 22856 | RFP | Renal Function Panel | Kidney Panel | Albumin, Bicarbonate, Urea Nitrogen, Calcium, Chloride, Creatinine, Glucose, Potassium, Sodium, Phosphorus, Anion Gap, and Estimated glomerular filtration rate | 22858 | PRASO | Renin Activity, Plasma (PRA) | Renin Activity, Plasma | | 26111 | REPOWER | Repower, Lipid & FBS | | Includes LIPO (CHOL, TRIG, HDL, LDL, and Non-HDL Cholesterol), and FBS (Fasting Blood Sugar) | 25467 | REPTSO | Reptilase Time, Plasma (RTSC) | Reptilase Time, Plasma RT (Reptilase Time) RPTL | | 25247 | FARP | Respiratory Panel by PCR | Respiratory Virus, Virus Culture, Flu, RSV, Adeno, Entero, Rhino Virus | Adenovirus, Coronavirus 229E, Coronavirus HKU1, Coronavirus NL63, Coronavirus OC43, Enterovirus/Rhinovirus, Human Metapneumovirus, Influenza A H1, Influenza A H1-2009, Influenza A H3, Influenza B, Parainfluenza 1, Parainfluenza 2, Parainfluenza 3, Parainfluenza 4, Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Bordetella pertussis, Chlamydophilia pneumoniae, and Mycoplasma pneumoniae. | 24793 | RSVNAT | Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Nucleic Acid Test (NAT) | RSV by PCR | | 22860 | RS-AG | Respiratory Syncytial Virus Antigen, Rapid | RSV Antigen | | 22861 | RETIC | Reticulocyte Count | Retic Count | | 25119 | RRBPSO | Retinol-Binding Protein, Random, Urine (RRBP) | Ref Lab Code: 84447 | | 26166 | RA-IGM | Rheumatoid Factor, IgM | RA Factor, FR, Rheumatoid Arthritis | | 22732 | RHIG | RH-Immune Globulin | RHo-Gam, RhIg | ABO/RH, ABSC, FBSC | 24933 | VITB2SO | Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Plasma (VITB2) | Ref Lab Code: 61637, Riboflavin, Vitamin B2 | | 23299 | RIBOP | Ribonucleoprotein P Antibody | Ribosomal P | | 25101 | RISPRSO | Risperidone and 9-Hydroxyrisperidone (757) | Risperdal® | | 26025 | RNAPSO | RNA Polymerase III Antibodies, IgG, Serum (RNAP) | RNA Polymerase III Ab, IgG, S | | 25403 | FROS1SO | ROS1 (6q22) Rearrangement, FISH, Tissue (ROS1F) | ROS1, Lung carcinoma, Non-small cell lung cancer, NSCLC | | 22733 | ROAG | Rotavirus Antigen Test | | | 22862 | RUBELLA | Rubella Immune Status | German Measles Antibody | | 25567 | RBPCRSO | Rubella Virus, PCR (VR01725) | German measles, Rubeola, PCR | | 25149 | RUFINSO | Rufinamide, Serum (RUFI) | Banzel | |