25055 | MPNABSO | M. pneumoniae Ab, IgG and IgM (MYCO) | Ref Lab Code: 85107, M. pneumoniae, Mycoplasma Serology | | 22686 | MISC | Macroamylase, Serum | | | 22687 | MG | Magnesium | Mg, Serum | | 25102 | MGRBCSO | Magnesium, RBC (64612) | Intracellular Magnesium | | 22688 | MG-24H | Magnesium, Urine 24 hr | Urine Magnesium | | 25040 | MG-RU | Magnesium, Urine Random | Urine Magnesium, Random | | 25041 | MG-CR | Magnesium/Creatinine Urine Ratio | Magnesium Creatinine ratio | Magnesium and Creatinine give Magnesium/Creatinine ratio | 22689 | MISC | Malaria Antibody Screen (FMASC) | Ref Lab Code: 90054, Malaria Ab Scrn, IFA, Malaria Antibody Screen | | 22690 | MALARIA | Malaria Smears | Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium malarie, Plasmodium ovale, Plasmodium falciparum | | 23422 | BMANGSO | Manganese, Blood (MNB) | Ref Lab Code: 89120 | | 22691 | MANGSO | Manganese, Serum (MNS) | Manganese (Mn) | | 25188 | MISC | Marfan Syndrome, Next-Gen Sequencing (8789) | Marfan Syndrome, Familial Aortic Aneurysm (FAA), Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection (TAAD) | Marfan, Aneurysm and Related Disorders Next-Gen Sequencing Panel detects mutations in all coding domains and splice junctions of ACTA2, CBS, FBN1, FBN2, MYH11, COL3A1, SLC2A10, SMAD3, TGFBR1 and TGFBR2 genes. | 23243 | AFP-4 | Maternal Serum Screen Quadruple Panel | AFP4, Alpha Fetoprotein-4, AFP-4, Quad Screen | Alpha Fetoprotein, Inhibin A, Estriol, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin | 22208 | AFP-1 | Maternal Serum Screen Single Test Panel AFP (MSAFP) | AFP (maternal), MSAFP, ALPHA FETOPROTEIN-1, AFP-1, AFP-1 (Single Marker MSS) | | 26069 | MATGNSO | MaterniT Genome | | Trisomy 21, Trisomy 18, Trisomy 13, Other autosomal aneuploidies, sex chromosome aneuploidies and fetal sex classification. 22q11 deletion, 15q11 deletion, 11q23 deletion, 8q24 deletion, 5p15 deletion, 4p16 deletion, 1p36 deletion syndrome. | 25137 | MAT21SO | MaterniT21 Plus | Trisomy 21, Trisomy 18, Trisomy 13 | Analyzes the relative amount of 21, 18, 13, and Y chromosomal material in circulating cell-free DNA from a maternal blood sample. | 22694 | MSLDSO | Measles (Rubeola) Antibodies, IgG and IgM (SS02120) | | Test includes quantitative IFA assay for the detection of IgM antibodies and qualitative ELISA assay for the detection of IgG antibodies to Measles (Rubeola) virus. | 22693 | MEASLEI | Measles Immune Status | Rubeola Antibody | | 25566 | MSPCRSO | Measles Virus, PCR (VR01713) | Measles, PCR | | 25044 | MISC | MECP2 Gene Analysis in Rett Syndrome (3041) | | MECP2 Gene Analysis Duplication and deletion may be performed in some cases at an additional charge | 22588 | MISC | Meningoencephalitis Panel (91161) | Meningoencephalitis Comprehensive Panel, LCM, Encephalitis Antibody Panel | Includes: Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis (LCM) Virus Ab, IFA (Serum), Measles (Rubeola) IgG And IgM Antibody Panel, IFA (Serum), Mumps Antibody Panel, IFA (Serum), Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus Antibody, IFA (Serum), California Encephalitis Virus Antibody Panel, IFA (Serum), St. Louis Encephalitis Virus Antibody, IFA (Serum), Western Equine Encephalitis IgG & IgM Ab Pnl, IFA (Serum), Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Ab Panel, ELISA, Adenovirus Antibody, Serum, Influenza Type A And B Antibodies, Serum, Varicella-Zoster Virus Antibody, Serum, Coxsackie A Antibodies, Serum, Coxsackie B (1-6) Antibodies, Serum, Echovirus Antibodies, Serum, HSV 1/2 IgM and typespecific IgG (HerpeSelect), ELISA, West Nile Virus Antibody Panel, ELISA (Serum) | 22695 | MISC | Meperidine and Normeperidine, Serum (67) | Demerol® | | 22696 | MISC | Mephenytoin (Mesantoin) and Normephenytoin (68) | Mesantoin®; Nirvanol | Mephenytoin (Mesantoin®) and Normephenytoin | 22697 | MERC | Mercury, Blood (HG) | Ref Lab Code: 8618, Mercury (Hg), Hg (Mercury) | | 22698 | MERCUSO | Mercury, Urine 24 Hour (HGU) | Ref Lab Code: 8592, Hg (Mercury), Mercury (Hg) | | 22699 | MPB | Metabolic Panel, Basic | Chemistry Panel, Basic, Basic Metabolic Panel, BMP, i-Stat Basic Metabolic Panel | Bicarbonate, Urea Nitrogen, Total Calcium, Chloride, Creatinine, Glucose, Potassium, Sodium, Anion Gap, and Estimated glomerular filtration rate
*i-Stat MPB includes all of the above tests EXCEPT has an Ionized Calcium, NOT a Total Calcium. | 22700 | MPC | Metabolic Panel, Comprehensive | Chemistry Panel, Comprehensive, Comprehensive Metabolic Panel, CMP | Albumin, Alkaline Phosphatase, Alanine Amino Transferase, Aspartate Amino Transferase, Bicarbonate, Urea Nitrogen, Calcium, Chloride, Creatinine, Glucose, Potassium, Sodium, Total Bilirubin, Total Protein, Anion Gap, and Estimated glomerular filtration rate | 22873 | MET-RND | Metanephrine Fractionation, Urine Random | Metanephrine, Normetanephrine; Metanephrines/Creatinine Ratio | Urine Metanephrine, Normetanephrine and Creatinine give a Metanephrine/Creatinine Ratio | 25535 | MISC | Metanephrines, Fractionated, Free, Plasma (FMETP) | Free Metanephrine, Free Normetanephrine | Metanephrine (MN) - free, Normetanephrine (NMN) - free, Total (MN + NMN) free | 23191 | METFRSO | Metanephrines, Fractionated, Free, Plasma (PMET) | Ref Lab Code: 81609, Fractionated metanephrines +, Free Metanephrine, Metanephrines free, plasma, NMN (Normetanephrines), plasma, Normetanephrine, (NMN), free,Normetanephrines, plasma | | 22872 | MET | Metanephrines, Urine 24 Hour | Metanephrine, Normetanephrine; Metanephrine Fractionatio | 24 hour Urine Metanephrine, Normetanephrine and Creatinine | 25512 | MDNSSO | Methadone and Metabolite, S | Methadone (Dolophine) | Methadone and Metabolite | 22874 | METD | Methadone, Urine | Dolophine | | 25095 | CO-METD | Methadone, Urine, Confirm Only by GCMS | Dolophine | | 25477 | CHIRALM | Methamphetamine Chiral Analysis, Urine | d-methamphetamine, l-methamphetamine | d-methamphetamine, l-methamphetamine | 22877 | METH | Methemoglobin | | | 22878 | MTX | Methotrexate | MTX | | 22879 | METHSUX | Methsuximide (Celontin®) (78) | Celontin® | Methsuximide (Celontin®) as Desmethylmethsuximide | 22880 | MTHFRSO | Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase C677T, Mutation (MTHFR) | Ref Lab Code: 81648, 5,10 Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase, C677T point mutation, A223V Gene Mutation, Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, C677T Point Mutation, Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase 5,10, MTHFR A223V Gene Mutation, MTHFR Deficiency thermolabile type, reductase C677T point mutation, A223V Gene Mutation, MTHFR Deficiency | | 22881 | MMA | Methylmalonic Acid | Methylmalonic acid quantitative - serum, MMA | | 22882 | MISC | Methylmalonic Acid, Urine (MMAU) | Ref Lab Code: 80290, B12 Deficiency, CblC, Cobalamin Deficiency, Methylmalonate, Methylmalonic Acid (MMA), MMA (Methylmalonic Acid | | 24901 | RITALSO | Methylphenidate (79) | Ritalin® | | 25147 | MPHEND | Methylphenidate and Metabolite, Urine | Ritalin, Concerta, Metadate | | 22884 | MEX | Mexiletine (MEX) | Mexitil (Mexiletine) | | 22886 | MA-RU | Microalbumin, Random Urine | Albumin/Creatinine ratio, Microalbumin-random urine | Albumin, Creatinine and Albumin/Creatinine Ratio | 22887 | MA | Microalbumin, Urine, 24HR or Timed Overnight | Albumin/Creatinine ratio, Microalbumin-random urine, Albumin in urine | Albumin and creatinine | 23208 | IDSEQO | Microorganism ID, Ribosomal RNA Sequencing | 16S, Broad spectrum PCR, Bacterial sequencing, 18S, ITS, Fungal sequencing | | 25203 | MSIPSO | Microsatellite Instability (MSI) by PCR (MSI) | DNA Mismatch Repair-related HNPCC, Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colon Cancer (HNPCC), Lynch Syndrome, Microsatellite Instability (MSI), Tumor Microsatellite Instability (MSI) | Only microsatellite instability (MSI) testing is performed. | 25417 | MISC | Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus PCR Testing (MERS-CoV) (VR01738) | MERS-CoV | | 25454 | MISCTIS | Miscellaneous Tissue for Molecular Testing | MISC TISSUE | MISCTIS, Verify field | 25304 | MITO | Mitochondrial Antibodies (M2), IgG | Primary biliary cirrhosis, PBC, autoimmune liver disease, AMA | | 23315 | MRSAD | MRSA Detection, PCR | Methicillin Resistant Staph aureus | | 24781 | MSITSO | MSI by IHC and PCR (672 & 666) | Ref Lab Code: G00672, MICROSATELLITE INSTABILITY (MSI), TUMOR (672 & 664) | | 24810 | MPSQNSO | Mucopolysaccharides (MPS), Quantitative, Urine (MPSQN) | Ref Lab Code: 81473, Arylsulfatase B Deficiency, Beta-Galactosidase Deficiency, Beta-Glucoronidase Deficiency, Chondroitin Sulfate, Dermatan Sulfate, GAGS (Glycosaminoglycans), Galactose-6-Sulfatase Deficiency, Glycosaminoglycans (GAGS), Heparan Sulfate, Hunter Syndrome, Hurler Syndrome, Hurler/Scheie Syndrome, Iduronate Sulfatase Deficiency, Iduronidase Deficiency, Keratan Sulfate, Lysosomal Storage, Lysosomal Storage Disease, Maroteaux Lamy Syndrome, Morquio A, Morquio B, MPS I, MPS II, MPS III, MPS IVA, MPS IVB, MPS VI, MPS VII, Mucopolysaccharides, Multiple Sulfatase Deficiency, Sanfilippo Syndrome, Scheie Syndrome, Sly Syndrome, MSD (Maple Syrup Disease), Berry Spot | | 23245 | MISC | Mucopolysaccharides Screen, Qual and Quant, Urine (MPSSC) | GAGS, Glycosaminoglycans | | 22890 | MUMPSI | Mumps Immune Status | | | 22889 | MUMPDSO | Mumps Virus Antibody, IgG and IgM, Separate Determinations (MMPGM) | Mumps Serology, Mumps Antibody | | 25248 | MISC | Mumps Virus Antibody, IgG Semi-Quantitative, AU/mL (0050390) | Mumps Antibody (Mumps Virus Antibody, IgG), Parotitis (Mumps Virus Antibody, IgG) | | 23267 | MUMPMSO | Mumps Virus Antibody, IgM (MMPM) | Ref Lab Code: 23267, Mumps IgM, Mumps Serology | | 25485 | MPPCRSO | Mumps Virus, PCR (VR01714) | | | 24800 | MUSKSO | MuSK Antibody (MUSK) | Muscle Specific Receptor Tyrosine Kinase | | 23142 | MGADSO | Myasthenia Gravis Evaluation, Adult (MGA1) | Ref Lab Code: 83370, Acetylcholine Receptor (Muscle AChR) Antibodies, AChR (Acetylcholine Receptor), Anti-Skeletal Muscle Antibodies, GAD65 (Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase), Muscle End-Plate Antibodies, Myasthenia Gravis Antibodies, Myoid Antibody, Neuronal Potassium Channel Ab, Striational (Striated Muscle) Antibodies, VGKC, VGPC, Voltage-Gated Potassium Channel Ab, Potassium Channel Antibodies (specify), Glutamate Decarboxylase Antibodies (GAD65) | This test includes: ACh Receptor (Muscle) Binding Ab; ACh Receptor (Muscle) Modulating Ab; Striational (Striated Muscle) Ab. The following tests are reflexed and charged when indicated: CRMP-5-IgG Western Blot, AChR Ganglionic Neuronal Ab, Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Ab (GAD65), and Neuronal Voltage-Gated Potassium Channel (VGKC). | 23143 | MGPEDSO | Myasthenia Gravis Evaluation, Pediatric (MGP1) | Ref Lab Code: 83371, Acetylcholine Receptor (Muscle AChR) Antibodies, AChR (Acetylcholine Receptor), Muscle End-Plate Antibodies, Myasthenia Gravis Antibodies, Myoid Antibody | This test includes: ACh Receptor (Muscle) Binding Ab; ACh Receptor (Muscle) Modulating Ab. | 23144 | MGTHYSO | Myasthenia Gravis Evaluation, Thymoma (MGT1) | Ref Lab Code: 83372, Acetylcholine Receptor (Muscle AChR) Antibodies, AChR (Acetylcholine Receptor), Anti-Skeletal Muscle Antibodies, Muscle End-Plate Antibodies, Myasthenia Gravis Antibodies, Myoid Antibody, Striational (Striated Muscle) Antibodies | This test includes: ACh Receptor (Muscle) Binding Ab; ACh Receptor (Muscle) Modulating Ab; Striational (Striated Muscle) Ab, CRMP-5-IgG Western Blot, AChR Ganglionic Neuronal Ab, Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (GAD65), and Neuronal Voltage-Gated Potassium Channel (VGKC). | 23141 | MGSYNSO | Myasthenia Gravis/Lambert Syndrome Evaluation (MGL1) | Ref Lab Code: 83369, Acetylcholine Receptor (Muscle AChR) Antibodies, AChR (Acetylcholine Receptor), Anti-skeletal Muscle Antibodies, Calcium Channel Blockers, Conotoxin (Receptor) Antibodies, Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome (LEMS) Antibodies, Motor End-Plate Antibody, Motor Nerve Terminal Antibodies, Muscle Culture Antibodies, Muscle End-Plate Antibodies, Myasthenia Gravis Antibodies, Myoid Antibody, Striational (Striated Muscle) Antibodies, Voltage Gated Calcium Channel (VGCC) Antibodies | This test includes: Calcium Channel Binding Ab, P/Q type; Calcium Channel Binding Ab, N-Type; ACh Receptor (Muscle) Binding Ab; ACh Receptor (Muscle) Modulating Ab; Striational (Striated Muscle) Ab. The following tests are reflexed when indicated: CRMP-5-IgG Western Blot, and AchR Ganglionic Ab. | 25475 | MTBRPSO | Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex, Molecular Detection, PCR (MTBRP) | Acid-Fast Bacilli, AFB, Bacillus-Acid Fast, MTB, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, TB, Tuberculosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, PCR (MTBRP) | Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex DNA unique sequence within the katG gene. | 23268 | MYCOPSO | Mycophenolic Acid, Sera (MPA) | Ref Lab Code: 81563, , CellCeptm, MPA-G (Mycophenolic Acid Glucuronide), Mycophenolate Mofetil, Myfortic | | 26120 | MGRPSO | Mycoplasma genitalium, PCR (MGRP) | | | 26121 | MHRPSO | Mycoplasma hominis, PCR (MHRP) | | | 26169 | MPRPSO | Mycoplasma pneu by PCR (MPRP) | Mycoplasma pneumoniae PCR | | 25250 | FMDSSO | Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) FISH (MDSF) | MDS | | 22895 | MPO | Myeloperoxidase Antibodies | Myeloperoxidase antibodies | | 22896 | MYPERSO | Myocarditis-Perocarditis Antibody Panel (FMYPP) | Myocarditis/Pericarditis Panel | | 22897 | MYO-S | Myoglobin, Plasma or Serum | Myoglobin-Blood | | 22898 | MYO | Myoglobin, Urine Quantitative | Myo, Urine | | 26134 | FMP3SO | MyoMarker Panel 3 (FMP3) | PL-7, PL-12, EJ, OJ, SRP, MI-2, Fibrillarin (U3 RNP), U2 snRNP, Ku, Anti-Jo-1 Ab, TIF1 GAMMA (P155/140), MDA-5 (P140) (CADM-140), NXP-2 (P140), Anti-PM/Scl-100 Ab, Anti-U1-RNP Ab, Anti-SS-A 52 kD Ab IgG, Anti-SAE 1 IgG | PL-7, PL-12, EJ, OJ, SRP, MI-2, Fibrillarin (U3 RNP), U2 snRNP, Ku, Anti-Jo-1 Ab, TIF1 GAMMA (P155/140), MDA-5 (P140) (CADM-140), NXP-2 (P140), Anti-PM/Scl-100 Ab, Anti-U1-RNP Ab, Anti-SS-A 52 kD Ab IgG, Anti-SAE 1 IgG | 26135 | FMP3PSO | MyoMarker Panel 3 Plus (FMP3P) | PL-7, PL-12, EJ, OJ, SRP, MI-2, Fibrillarin (U3 RNP), U2 snRNP, Ku, Anti-Jo-1 Ab, TIF1 GAMMA (P155/140), MDA-5 (P140) (CADM-140), NXP-2 (P140), Anti-PM/Scl-100 Ab, Anti-U1-RNP Ab, Anti-SS-A 52 kD Ab IgG, Anti-SAE 1 IgG | PL-7, PL-12, EJ, OJ, SRP, MI-2, Fibrillarin (U3 RNP), U2 snRNP, Ku, Anti-Jo-1 Ab, TIF1 GAMMA (P155/140), MDA-5 (P140) (CADM-140), NXP-2 (P140), Anti-PM/Scl-100 Ab, Anti-U1-RNP Ab, Anti-SS-A 52 kD Ab IgG, Anti-SAE 1 IgG |