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Synonyms, Keywords
Test Components
24738Washed Blood Products
RBC, SDP, Red Cells, Platelets, Platelet Concentrate, PRBC, LRBC​
​Fecal Leukocytes, Fecal PMN, Fecal Neutrophils
​Gram stain of feces for the presence of PMN leukocytes associated with infectious diarrhea. This test has relatively low sensitivity and specificity for the presence of invasive enteric bacterial pathogens.
26145WKRHDSOWeak RhD Analysis Workup (3040)
23179MISCWest Nile Confirmation
25425WNVSOWest Nile Virus Antibody, IgG & IgM (WNS)
Viral encephalitis, WNV

​West Nile Virus Antibody IgG

West NIle Virus Antibody IgM

WNS Interpretation

23178WNCSFSOWest Nile Virus Antibody, IgG & IgM, Spinal Fluid (WNC)
Viral encephalitis, West Nile virus(WNV), WNV (West Nile virus)

​West Nile Virus Antibody IgG

West Nile Virus Antibody IgM

23031WETWet Prep
​Trichomonas Exam
23130WBCADWhite Blood Cell Count and Automated Differential
​White Count and Auto Diff, Diff and White Cell Count, Automated
​White blood cell count, percent/absolute neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils.
23032WBCMDWhite Blood Cell Count with Manual Differential
​White Count and Manual Diff, Manual Differential and White Cell Count
​White Blood Cell Count, percent/absolute neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils and any abnormal nucleated cells present, including blasts and NRBC's. RBC and platelet morphology also included.
23033WBCWhite Blood Count (WBC)
​WBC count
25677WDZSOWilson Disease, Full Gene Analysis (WDZ)
​ATP7B gene, WDMS