24977 | OBHIV | OB Panel HIV-1,2 Ab w/Confirm | Prenatal Panel | Panel includes a CBC with automated differential, Blood typing (ABO and Rh factor), Antibody Screen, Syphilis IgG Antibody, Rubella Antibody and Hepatitis B Surface Antigen, HIV-1,2 Ab/Ag by EIA with Confirmation. | 25483 | RPHIV | OB/ER Only HIV 1/2 Rapid Test | HIV | | 22908 | OBPAN | Obstetric Panel | Prenatal panel | Panel includes a CBC with automated differential, Blood typing (ABO and Rh factor), Antibody Screen, Syphilis IgG Antibody, Rubella Antibody and Hepatitis B Surface Antigen. | 25088 | OBPAN2 | Obstetric Panel, No Rubella | Prenatal panel without Rubella test | Panel includes an CBC with automated differential, Blood typing (ABO and Rh factor), Antibody Screen, Syphilis IgG Antibody, and Hepatitis B Surface Antigen. | 22971 | OBPANOR | Obstetrics Panel | OB Panel - Used for Outreach Accounts ordering the OB Panel. | Panel includes a CBC with automated differential, Blood typing (ABO and Rh factor), Antibody Screen, Syphilis IgG Antibody, Rubella Antibody and Hepatitis B Surface Antigen. | 23203 | OCC-G | Occult Blood, Gastric Fluid | | pH, Gastroccult | 22909 | OCC | Occult Blood, Stool | Blood, Occult in Stool, Stool, Occult Blood, Hemoccult | | 25150 | OLANZSO | Olanzapine, Serum (756) | Zyprexa® | | 25006 | OLIGO | Oligoclonal Banding, CSF and Serum | Oligoclonal Banding in CSF | | 26107 | OMSP20 | OM Lead Protocol 1 | | Includes ZPPSO (Zinc Protoporphyrin) and Blood-Lead. | 26108 | OMSP21 | OM Lead Protocol 2 | | Includes HGMPS, AD (White blood cell count, red blood cell count, hemoglobin, hematocrit, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, red cell distribution width, platelet, mean platelet volume, percent/absolute neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils), BUN, CREAT, STIX, and MICRO (Color, Turbidity, Specific Gravity, pH, Protein, Glucose, Ketone, Bile, Blood, Urobilinogen, Esterase, and Nitrite, Casts, Renal Epithelial cells, WBC, RBC, Squamous cells, and Bacteria) | 26104 | OMOSHA | OM OSHA Hazmat Resp Protocol | | Includes ALB, TBIL, ALKP, AST, LDH, BUN, CREAT, GLU, ALT, GGT, HGMPS, AD, STIX, MICRO | 26109 | OMSP7 | OM Screening Panel 7 | | TP-PL, ALB, TBIL, CBIL, UBIL, ALKP, GGT, LDH, URIC, NA, K, CL, CO2, AN-GAP, BUN, CREAT, GLU, CALC, PHOS, CHOL, HDL, NONHDL(Non-HDL Cholesterol) | 23408 | ONCDXSO | Oncotype Dx Breast Cancer Assay | Oncotype DX Breast Cancer Assay | The Oncotype DX assay is a 21-gene assay that provides an individualized prediction of chemotherapy benefit and 10-year distant recurrence to inform adjuvant treatment decisions in certain women with early-stage invasive breast cancer. | 24782 | OPIMIN | Opiates Mini, Urine | Hydrocodone, Hydromorphone, Codeine, Morphine, Vicodin, Dilaudid, Lortab, Heroin | | 22911 | OPI | Opiates Survey, Urine | Hydrocodone, Hydromorphone, Codeine, Morphine, Vicodin, Dilaudid, Lortab, Heroin, Oxycodone, Oxymorphone, Oxycontin, Percodan, Percocet | Test includes immunoassay screen followed by quantitative confirmation by GCMS (when needed) of two drug groups: opiates (hydrocodone, hydromorphone, codeine, morphine) and oxycodone (oxycodone and oxymorphone) | 25096 | CO-OPIM | Opiates, Urine, Confirm Only by GCMS | Hydrocodone, Hydromorphone, Codeine, Morphine, Vicodin, Dilaudid, Lortab, Heroin | | 22913 | ORGACID | Organic Acids Screen, Urine (OAU) | Ref Lab Code: 80619, Metabolic Acid Screen | | 22353 | IDENP | Organism ID, Parasite/Medical Arthropod | Organism ID, Parasite, Arthropod, Worm, Tick ID, Scabies | | 22914 | OS | Osmolality | Osmo | | 22915 | OS-O | Osmolality, Stool | Fecal Osmo | | 22916 | OS-U | Osmolality, Urine | Urine Osmo | | 25541 | FRAGSO | Osmotic Fragility, Erythrocytes (FRAG) | RBC Fragility, Red Cell Fragility, Osmotic Fragility, RBC | Osmotic Fragility, Osmotic Fragility on Control Sample | 26024 | OSCALSO | Osteocalcin, Serum (OSCAL) | N-MID Osteocalcin, Osteocalcin | | 24913 | OPRC | Ova and Parasites, (Cryptosporidium only) Routine | Cryptosporidium EIA O&P, (Crypto only) Routine | | 24912 | OPRG | Ova and Parasites, (Giardia only) Routine | Giardia EIA O&P, (Giardia only) Routine | | 24911 | OPRCG | Ova and Parasites, (Giardia/Crypt) Routine | Giardia/Cryptosporidium EIA O&P, (Giardia/Crypt) Routine | | 22919 | OPS | Ova and Parasites, Special (Complete) | O and P exam | For feces, special parasitology consists of specimen concentration, trichrome stain, and a microscopic examination including a wet mount & trichrome stain for protozoa, worms, and ova. A modified acid-fast stain for coccidia (Cyclospora, Isospora and Cryptosporidium) will be performed upon request at the time of test requisition.
For other specimens, one or more of the techniques listed above will be used upon the specimen source. | 25061 | OVA1SO | OVA1 (VDS-100) | | | 26061 | OXALSO | Oxalate, 24 Hour Urine (0020482) | | Oxalate
Creatinine, Urine | 26065 | OX-CRSO | Oxalate, Pediatric, Random Urine (ROXU) | Hyperoxaluria Oxalate | | 23205 | OXCAR | Oxcarbazepine Metabolite | Trileptal, Monohydroxycarbamazepine, MHC, 10-hydroxy-10,11 dihydrocarbamazepine | | 25536 | OXYSO | Oxycodone and Metabolite, Serum/Plasma (45002) | Oxycodone, Oxycontin, Oxymorphone, Percocet, Percodan | Oxycodone, Oxycontin, Oxymorphone, Percocet, Percodan | 24784 | OXY | Oxycodone, Urine | Oxycodone, Oxymorphone, Oxycontin, Percodan, Percocet, Opana | | 25097 | CO-OXY | Oxycodone, Urine, Confirm Only by GCMS | Oxycodone, Oxymorphone, Oxycontin, Percodan, Percocet, Opana | | 22725 | O2SAT-M | Oxygen Saturation, Measured | O2 Saturation | |