24907 | T3RSO | T3 Reverse (RT3) | Triiodothyronine, Reverse | | 23070 | T3-A | T3, Total | Triiodothyronine, T-3 | | 25562 | TACRO | Tacrolimus | FK506, Prograf | | 26154 | TDPU | Targeted Drug Panel, Urine | Drug screen, drug test, amines, amphetamine, methamphetamine, benzodiazepines, opiates, opioids | Definitive/confirmatory panel to semi-quantitatively detect the use of amines/amphetamines, benzodiazepines, and opioids drug classes using Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry methodology. Quantitative results are not available, but drugs detected as “present” will be reported with a quantitative range in which it was detected.
Please see this document for a full list of drugs included in this panel, along with the detection levels of each: TDPU Test Components
NOTE: If other drug classes are also of interest (cannabinoids, cocaine, barbiturates, ethanol), it is recommended that the PCS4WO test be ordered along with this test.
| 25624 | TCGRVSO | T-Cell Receptor Gene Rearr, PCR, Varies (TCGRV) | Lymphoma vs Benign Process, Reactive Lymphocytic Process, T-Cell Gene Rearrangement, TCGRV, T Cell Gene Rearrangement, T Cell Clonality | | 25625 | TCGRSO | T-Cell Receptor Gene Rearrange, PCR, Bld (TCGR) | Lymphoma vs Benign Process, Reactive Lymphocytic Process, T-Cell Gene Rearrangement, T Cell Gene Rearrangement | | 26162 | TEG6S | TEG 6S Citrated K, KH, RT, FF | | Kaolin TEG (R, K, Angle, MA), Kaolin TEG with Heparinase to neutralize heparin (RH), Functional Fibrinogen Level (FFMA, FFLEV), and Rapid TEG (MA-RT) | 26164 | TEG | TEG Citrated Kaolin on 5000 | TEG, Thromboelastography | Kaolin TEG (R, K, angel, MA, LY30) | 26167 | TEGCFF | TEG Kaolin w/Functional FIB | | Kaolin TEG and Functional Fibrinogen (R, K, Angle, MA, LY30, FF-MA, FFLEV) | 26165 | TEGHEP | TEG Kaolin w/Heparinase | | Kaolin TEG with Heparinase (R-H, K-H, ANG-H, MA-H, and LY30H) | 26182 | TEGHCFF | TEG Kaolin+Func FIB w/Heparinase | Heparinase TEG, TEG Heparinase, TEG Trauma | Kaolin TEG+ Citrated Functional Fibrinogen with Heparinase (R-H, K-H, ANG-H, MA-H, LY30H, FF-MA, FFLEV) | TestABC | TestABC | TestABC | | | 23077 | FT | Testosterone, Free (Includes Total and SHBG) | Free Testosterone, Testosterone Panel, Tot & Free | Testosterone, Sex Hormone Binding Globulin | 23078 | TEST | Testosterone, Total | | | 22332 | TETABSO | Tetanus Toxoid IgG Antibody (TTIGS) | Anti-tetanus toxoid, C. tetani, Clostridium tetani, Tetanus Immune Response, Tetanus toxoid antibodies | | 23079 | MISC | Thallium,24 Hour, Urine (TLU) | Ref Lab Code: 8603, Tl (Thallium) | | 23080 | THEO | Theophylline | Aminophylline | | 23018 | THIASO | Thiamin, Vitamin B1, Whole Blood (TDP) | Ref Lab Code: 85753, B1, Vitamin, Thiamin Diphosphate (TDP), Thiamin Pyrophosphate (TPP), Thiamine, Vitamin B1, VITB1 | | 25218 | TOTHIA | Thiamine (Vitamin B1), Whole Blood | Thiamin, Vitamin B1, Thiamine | | 24886 | PAPH | ThinPrep Pap and HPV | Pap and HPV Co-Testing | | 23158 | PROPDSO | Thiopurine Metabolites, Prometheus (3200) | Imuran, 6MP | | 23082 | THIORID | Thioridazine and Mesoridazine (119) | Mellaril® | | 23083 | MISC | Thiothixene (120) | Navane® | | 23084 | TT | Thrombin Time | Thrombin Clot Time, TT | | 25118 | MISC | Thyroglobulin - Other Fluids | Thyro, Fine Needle Aspirate, FNA, TG, Fluid, Cyst | | 23086 | TA-TG | Thyroglobulin Antibody | Thyroglobulin (Tg) Antibody, Anti-Thyroglobulin Antibody, Anti-TG | | 23085 | THYGL | Thyroglobulin Tumor Marker & Anti-TG | TG, Thyroglobulin assay for thyroid cancer, Thyro, Thyrogl Tumor Marker & Anti-TG | Thyroglobulin, Anti-Thyroglobulin | 23087 | TA-TPO | Thyroid Antibody (Anti-TPO) | Anti-TPO, Anti-thyroperoxidase, Microsomal antibody | | 25438 | THYDC | Thyroid Diagnostic Cascade | TSH, Thyrotropin, Free-T4, Thyroid reflex | 3rd Gen TSH, and when indicated Free-T4 (Free Thyroxine) | 24789 | T7 | Thyroid Index Panel (T7, T4, T3 Uptake for OB) | T7, Free Thyroxine Index, FTI | T4, T3 Uptake | 23088 | TSH | Thyroid Stimulating Hormone | TSH, Thyrotropin, s-TSH | | 25524 | TSHPED | Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, Pediatric | TSH, Thyrotropin, s-TSH | | 23089 | TSI | Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulin, Serum (TSI) | Ref Lab Code: 8634, Autoimmune Thyroid Stimulator, Graves Disease, LATS (Long-Acting Thyroid Stimulator), Long-Acting Thyroid Stimulator (LATS), Thyroid Receptor Antibody, Thyroid Stimulating Antibody, TSH Receptor Binding Inhibitory Immunoglobulin, TSI (Thyroid-Stimulating Immunoglobulin) | | 23190 | THRECSO | Thyrotropin Receptor Antibody (THYRO) | Ref Lab Code: 81797, Antibodies to TSH receptor, Inhibitory Immunoglobulin, Long-Acting Thyroid Stimulator (LATS), TBII (TSH-Binding Inhibiting Immunoglobulin), Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone Receptor (TSH Receptor) Antibody, TRAb (Thyrotropin Receptor Antibody), TSH (Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone) Receptor Binding, TSH Binding Inhibition Index, TSH Receptor (Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone Receptor) Antibody, TSH-Binding Inhibiting Immunoglobulin (TBII), Graves Disease | | 23091 | T4-FREE | Thyroxine, Free | Free-T4, Free thyroxine, FT4 | | 23241 | MISC | Thyroxine, Free by Dialysis (FRT4D) | Ref Lab Code: 8859, Free T4 (Thyroxine), FT4 by Dialysis, FT4 by Equilibrium Dialysis, FT4 by Tandem Mass Spectrometry, T4 (Thyroxine) Free, T4 by Dialysis, Thyroxine (T4), Total or Free | | 22926 | T-4 | Thyroxine, Total | T4 - Thyroxine, Total | | 25057 | TICKP | Tick Borne Panel (Does not include Lyme disease testing at this time) | Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Babesia microti, Babesiosis, Ehrlichia/Anaplasma | ANENAT -Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Ehrlichia species
BABNAT - Babesia microti | 23063 | HMISC | Tissue Immunohistochemistry, Surgical Pathology | Histology, Immunohistochemistry, IHC, Surgical Pathology, Paraffin Blocks | | 23233 | TTGAB | Tissue Transglutaminase AB, IgA and IgG | tTG Ab, celiac disease, sprue | | 22934 | TTG-IGA | Tissue Transglutaminase IgA Antibody | Sprue, Celiac, tTG IgA | Tissue Transglutaminase IgA Antibodies | 25421 | TTG-IGG | Tissue Transglutaminase IgG Antibody | Sprue, Celiac, tTG | Tissue Transglutaminase IgG Antibodies | 22928 | TOPIRSO | Topiramate, Serum (TOPI) | Topamax (Topiramate), Topiramate (Topamax) | | 24902 | TLCUSO | Total Light Chains, Urine (TLCU) | Ref Lab Code:87934, Immunoglobulin Light Chains, Kappa Light Chains, Lambda Light Chains, Light Chains, Kappa and Lambda, Urine Light Chains | | 22930 | TOXO | Toxoplasma Antibodies, IgG and IgM | Toxoplasmosis Antibodies, Toxoplasma gondii, Toxoplasmosis, IgG/IgM | | 25238 | ENZACSO | TPMT Enzyme, Prometheus (3320) | ENZACT | | 24708 | PTPMTSO | TPMT Genetics, Prometheus (3300) | TPMT (thiopurine methyltransferase enzyme) Genetics | | 23202 | TRAM | Tramadol Quantitation, Urine | Ultracet, Ultram | | 22931 | TRANSF | Transferrin | Iron-Binding Protein | | 22932 | STFRSO | Transferrin Receptors, Soluble (STFR) | Ref Lab Code: 84283, sTfR (soluble transferrin receptor) | | 22933 | | Transfusion Reaction Workup | TRANSFUSION REACTION | ABO/RH, DAT | 26095 | TRAZSO | Trazodone, Serum or Plasma (124) | Desyrel | Serum or plasma test for Trazodone. | 24760 | TRICHSO | Trichinella Antibody (STRIC) | Agglutination for Trichinosis, Latex Test for Trichinosis, Parasite Serologies, Trichina Agglutination, Trichinosis Antibody, Trichinosis Latex Agglutination | | 25480 | TRICNAM | Trichomonas vaginalis, Nucleic Acid Method (NAM) | Trichomonas | | 23067 | TRIG | Triglycerides | | | 23068 | TRIG-O | Triglycerides, Body Fluid | Chyle (Chylous Effusion), Chylomicrons in Body Fluid, Body Fluid Trig | | 23069 | T3-FREE | Triiodothyronine, Free | T-3, Free, T-3 Free, Free T3, FT3 | | 25029 | WHIPPSO | Tropheryma whipplei, PCR (TWRP) | Ref Lab Code: 80909, Whipple's Disease | | 22935 | TNI | Troponin I | | | 26157 | TNIRO | Troponin I Rule Out (0hr+2hr) | | 0 hour baseline high sensitivity TNI test collection (Troponin I 0Hr) 2 hour post baseline high sensitivity TNI test collection (Troponin I 2Hr) | 22936 | NEOTRP | TRP (Tubular Reabsorption of Phosphorus) | | Tests performed include serum and urine phosphorus, serum and urine creatinine plus a calculation for percent tubular reabsorption of phosphorus. | 23096 | TRYPT | Tryptase, Serum (TRYPT) | Ref Lab Code: 81608, Mast Cell Tryptase | | 25498 | TSPOTSO | Tuberculosis Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) | TB, Tuberculosis, QGOLD, IGRA, Interferon gamma release assay, Quantiferon, T-SPOT, TSpot, T Spot, TB testing, TB-SPOT | | 23076 | T-3 | T-Uptake | T-Uptake, T3 Uptake | | 22937 | T-S | Type and Screen (Transfusion Service) | T and S, Type and Screen, Type and Cross, Type and Hold, Type & Screen-Preop/OP Tx (Mfld) | ABO/RH, ABSC | 22938 | TZANCK | Tzanck Stain | Stain for Multinucleated Giant Cells | |