This test requires three samples:
1. 6.0 mL whole blood – Pink Top Tube (PTT) used for ABO, Rh factor and Antibody Screen.
2. 3.0 mL whole blood – EDTA Lavender Top Tube (LTT) used for CBC with automated differential.
3. 3.0 mL serum – Red Top Tube (RTT) used for Syphilis Antibody IgG, Rubella Antibody and Hepatitis B
Surface Antigen.
Processing instructions:
-Samples collected in a (RTT) must be removed from the cells within one hour for storage or transport.
-Regional Centers: Hemogram to be performed at local site; other tests to be sent to Marshfield Campus.
High doses of exogenous biotin (also termed Vitamin B7, Vitamin H or Coenzyme R) may interfere with this assay (HAA). It is recommended that patients refrain from consuming any multivitamin or supplement containing biotin for at least 72 hours prior to collection of a blood sample.