Submit completed Histology requisition form with patient history and tissue source information.
This test is surgical pathology Group II stains, all others (Ex. Iron, Trichrome). Stains included in this group are as follows: Alcian Blue, Alcian Blue PAS, Alizarin Stain for Hemoglobin (Okajama's), Alkaline Congo Red for Amyloid Digestion by Congo Red, Bielschowsky, Bodian, Churukian-Schenk, Colloidal Iron, Crystal Violet, Elastic/Masson, Fibrin-MSB, Fontana Masson-Argentaffin and Fontana Masson-Melanin, Fontana Masson-Melanin, Gomori's One-step Trichrome, Gomori's Iron, Gordon and Sweet Reticulum, Grimelius Technique for Argyrophil, Hall's Method for Bilirubin, Holzer Stain for Glia Fibers, Hyaluronidase Digestion, Jones, Luxol Fast Blue-PAS Stain, Masson Trichrome, May-Grunwald Giemsa Stain, Mayer's Mucicamine, Melanin Bleach, Methyl Green Pyronin, Oil Red (Dezna), PAS with Diatase, PAS Stain, Mallory’s PTAH 3-day, PTAH for CNS 1-day, Rhodamine (same day), Rubianic Acid Stain for Copper, SAB, Schmorl's Method for Reducing Substances, Sevier-Munger, Toluidine Blue for Mucin, Verhoeff's Elastic Tissue Stain, Victoria Blue, Von Kossa's for Calcium.