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23152 Paraneoplastic Autoantibody Evaluation, Serum (PAVAL)

Paraneoplastic Autoantibody Evaluation, Serum (PAVAL)
Test Code: PARASO
​Ref Lab Code: 83380, Acetylcholine Receptor (Muscle AChR) Antibodies, AChR (Acetylcholine Receptor), AGNA, Amphiphysin Antibody, Serum, ANNA (Antineuronal Nuclear Antibody), Anti-CV2,Anti-Enteric Neuronal Antibody, Anti-GAD65 (Anti-Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase), Anti-Glial Nuclear Antibody, Anti-Hu, Anti-Purkinje CellCytoplasmic Antibodies, Anti-Ri, Anti-Skeletal Muscle Antibodies, Anti-Yo, Antineuronal, APCA (Anti-Purkinje Cell Antibodies), Calcium Channel Blockers, Cerebellar Antibodies, Chorea,Cramp-fasciculation, CRMP-5, IgG, Dorsal Root Ganglion Antibody, Glutamate Decarboxylase Antibodies (GAD65), Hu Antibody, Motor End-Plate Antibody, Motor Nerve Terminal Antibodies, Muscle (Skeletal) Antibodies, Muscle Culture Antibodies, Myoid Antibody, N-Type Calcium Channel Antibody, Neuromyotonia, Neuronal Nuclear Antibody, Neuronal Nuclear Antibody Panel, Neuronal Potassium Channel Ab, Neuronal-Anti, Ovarian Cancer-Related Antibodies, P/Q Type Calcium Channel Antibody, Paraneoplastic Antibodies, Paraneoplastic Autoantibody Evaluation, Paraneoplastic Neurological Autoimmunity, PCA-1 (Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Antibodies), PCA-2 (Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Antibodies), PCA-Tr (Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Antibodies), PCAb(Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Antibodies), Potassium Channel Antibodies (specify), Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Antibodies, Type 1,Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Antibodies, Type 2,Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Antibodies, Type Tr, Ri, Anti, Stiff-man Syndrome, Striational (Striated Muscle) Antibodies, VGCC (Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel) Antibodies, VGKC, VGPC,Voltage-Gated Potassium Channel Ab, Yo-Anti, Neuronal Ganglionic Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody, Cantoxin Receptor Antibodies, Collapsin Response-Mediator Protein-5 Antibody (CRMP5), Isaacs Disease, Neuromuscular Hyperexcitability, Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Antibodies, 
Test Components
​Profile includes ACh receptor (muscle) binding Ab, AChR ganglionic neuronal Ab, N-type calcium channel Ab, P/Q-type calcium channel Ab, Striational Ab, Amphiphysin, ANNA-1, ANNA-2, ANNA-3, CRMP-5-IgG, PCA-1, PCA-2, PCA-Tr, AGNA-1, Neuronal voltage gated potassium channel.
Useful For
​Serological evaluation of patients who present with a subacute neurological disorder of undetermined etiology, especially those with known risk factors for cancer
Directing a focused search for cancer
Investigating neurological symptoms that appear in the course of, or after, cancer therapy, and are not explainable by metastasis
Differentiating autoimmune neuropathies from neurotoxic effects of chemotherapy
Monitoring the immune response of seropositive patients in the course of cancer therapy
Detecting early evidence of cancer recurrence in previously seropositive patients
Specimen Requirements
Specimen Type Preferred Container/Tube Acceptable Container/Tube Specimen Volume Specimen Minimum Volume
(allows for 1 repeat)
Pediatric Minimum Volume
(no repeat)
Serum​ Red Top Tube (RTT)​ Serum Separator Tube (SST)​ 4 mL​ 2 mL​
Collection Processing Instructions
​Include relevant clinical information, name, phone number, mailing address, and e-mail address (if applicable) of ordering physician.
Specimen Stability Information
Specimen Type Temperature Time
Serum​ Refrigerated (preferred)​ 28 days​
Ambient ​ 72 hours​
Frozen ​ ​28 days
Rejection Criteria
Gross hemolysis
​Gross lipemia
​Gross icterus
Performing Laboratory Information
Performing Location Day(s) Test Performed Analytical Time Methodology/Instrumentation
Mayo Medical Laboratories​
Striational(striatmuscle) antibodies: Monday through Thursday, Sunday
P/Q-type calcium channel antibody:
N-type calcium channel antibody: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
ACh receptor (muscle) binding antibody: Monday through Thursday, Saturday
AChR ganglionic neuronal antibody:
Neuronal (V-G) K+ channel autoantibody: Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday
Paraneoplastic autoantibody Western blot: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
CRMP-5-IgG Western blot: 
NMO-IgG: Monday through Friday
Amphiphysin Western blot: Tuesday, Thursday
GAD65 antibody assay: Monday through Thursday, Sunday
ACh receptor (muscle) modulating antibodies: Monday through Thursday
10 days (negative)
ANN1S/83381, ANN2S/83382, ANN3S/83137, PCABP/83383, PCAB2/83138, PCATR/83076, AMPHS/83386, CRMS/83077, AGN1S/89080, NMOS/83185: Indirect Immunofluorescence Assay (IFA)
STR/8746: Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)
CCPQ/81185, CCN/81184, GD65S/81596, ARBI/8338, ARMO/83378, GANG/84321, VGKC/89165: Radioimmunoassay (RIA)
WBN/83108, CRMWS/83107, ABLOT/89381: Western Blot​
Reference Lab
Test Information
Confirmation of the presence of CRMP5-IgG with Western Blot will be based on IFA patterns that suggest CRMP5-IgG and the presence of AChR Binding and/or Striational antibodies. CRMP5-IgG Western Blot will also be performed with physician request when ordering the Paraneoplastic Evaluation.
Anti-glial/neuronal nuclear autoantibody-type 1 (AGNA-1) is recognized as a marker of a patient's immune response to a cancer (usually a small lung carcinoma, SCLC) that is usually limited in metastatis, but is manifest as an autoimmune neurological disorder.​
Reference Range Information
Interpretive report.
​Antibodies directed at onconeural proteins shared by neurons, glia, muscle, and certain cancers are valuable serological markers of a patient's immune response to cancer. They are not found in healthy subjects, and are usually accompanied by subacute neurological symptoms and signs. Several autoantibodies have a syndromic association, but no autoantibody predicts a specific neurological syndrome. Conversely, a positive autoantibody profile has 80% to 90% predictive value for a specific cancer. It is not uncommon for more than 1 paraneoplastic autoantibody to be detected, each predictive of the same cancer.
Outreach CPTs
CPT Modifier
(if needed)
Quantity Description Comments
83519​ ACh receptor (muscle) binding antibody​
83519​ AChR ganglionic neuronal antibody​
83519​ Neuronal VGKC autoantibody​
83519​ N-type calcium channel antibody​
83519​ P/Q-type calcium channel antibody​
83520 ​ Striational (striated muscle) antibodies
​86255 ​AGNA-1
​86255 ​Amphiphysin
​86255 ​ANNA-1
​86255 ​ANNA-2
​86255 ​ANNA-3
​86255 ​CRMP-5-IgG
​86255 ​PCA-1
​86255 ​PCA-2
​86255 ​PCA-Tr
​83519 ​ACh receptor (muscle) modulating antibodies ​As needed
​84182 ​Amphiphysin Western Blot ​As needed
​84182 ​CRMP-5-IgG Western Blot ​As needed
​84182 ​Paraneoplastic autoantibody Western Blot Confirmation ​As needed
​86255 ​NMO/AQP4-IgG FACS ​As needed
​86255 ​AMPCS ​As needed
​86255 GABCS ​As needed
​86255 NMDCS ​As needed
​86256 ​AMPIS ​As needed
​86256 ​GABIS ​As needed
​86256 ​NMDIS ​As needed
​86256 ​NMO/AQP4-IgG FACS titer ​As needed
​86341 ​GAD65 antibody assay ​As needed
​86255 ​LG1CS ​As needed
​86255 ​CS2CS ​As needed
​Ref Lab Code: 83380, Acetylcholine Receptor (Muscle AChR) Antibodies, AChR (Acetylcholine Receptor), AGNA, Amphiphysin Antibody, Serum, ANNA (Antineuronal Nuclear Antibody), Anti-CV2,Anti-Enteric Neuronal Antibody, Anti-GAD65 (Anti-Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase), Anti-Glial Nuclear Antibody, Anti-Hu, Anti-Purkinje CellCytoplasmic Antibodies, Anti-Ri, Anti-Skeletal Muscle Antibodies, Anti-Yo, Antineuronal, APCA (Anti-Purkinje Cell Antibodies), Calcium Channel Blockers, Cerebellar Antibodies, Chorea,Cramp-fasciculation, CRMP-5, IgG, Dorsal Root Ganglion Antibody, Glutamate Decarboxylase Antibodies (GAD65), Hu Antibody, Motor End-Plate Antibody, Motor Nerve Terminal Antibodies, Muscle (Skeletal) Antibodies, Muscle Culture Antibodies, Myoid Antibody, N-Type Calcium Channel Antibody, Neuromyotonia, Neuronal Nuclear Antibody, Neuronal Nuclear Antibody Panel, Neuronal Potassium Channel Ab, Neuronal-Anti, Ovarian Cancer-Related Antibodies, P/Q Type Calcium Channel Antibody, Paraneoplastic Antibodies, Paraneoplastic Autoantibody Evaluation, Paraneoplastic Neurological Autoimmunity, PCA-1 (Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Antibodies), PCA-2 (Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Antibodies), PCA-Tr (Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Antibodies), PCAb(Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Antibodies), Potassium Channel Antibodies (specify), Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Antibodies, Type 1,Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Antibodies, Type 2,Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Antibodies, Type Tr, Ri, Anti, Stiff-man Syndrome, Striational (Striated Muscle) Antibodies, VGCC (Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel) Antibodies, VGKC, VGPC,Voltage-Gated Potassium Channel Ab, Yo-Anti, Neuronal Ganglionic Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody, Cantoxin Receptor Antibodies, Collapsin Response-Mediator Protein-5 Antibody (CRMP5), Isaacs Disease, Neuromuscular Hyperexcitability, Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Antibodies, 
Test Components
​Profile includes ACh receptor (muscle) binding Ab, AChR ganglionic neuronal Ab, N-type calcium channel Ab, P/Q-type calcium channel Ab, Striational Ab, Amphiphysin, ANNA-1, ANNA-2, ANNA-3, CRMP-5-IgG, PCA-1, PCA-2, PCA-Tr, AGNA-1, Neuronal voltage gated potassium channel.
Ordering Applications
Ordering Application Description
​Centricity ​Paraneoplastic AutoAntibody Eval
​Cerner ​Paraneoplastic AutoAb Eval (83380)
If the ordering application you are looking for is not listed, contact your local laboratory for assistance.
Specimen Requirements
Specimen Type Preferred Container/Tube Acceptable Container/Tube Specimen Volume Specimen Minimum Volume
(allows for 1 repeat)
Pediatric Minimum Volume
(no repeat)
Serum​ Red Top Tube (RTT)​ Serum Separator Tube (SST)​ 4 mL​ 2 mL​
Collection Processing
​Include relevant clinical information, name, phone number, mailing address, and e-mail address (if applicable) of ordering physician.
Specimen Stability Information
Specimen Type Temperature Time
Serum​ Refrigerated (preferred)​ 28 days​
Ambient ​ 72 hours​
Frozen ​ ​28 days
Rejection Criteria
Gross hemolysis
​Gross lipemia
​Gross icterus
Useful For
​Serological evaluation of patients who present with a subacute neurological disorder of undetermined etiology, especially those with known risk factors for cancer
Directing a focused search for cancer
Investigating neurological symptoms that appear in the course of, or after, cancer therapy, and are not explainable by metastasis
Differentiating autoimmune neuropathies from neurotoxic effects of chemotherapy
Monitoring the immune response of seropositive patients in the course of cancer therapy
Detecting early evidence of cancer recurrence in previously seropositive patients
Test Components
​Profile includes ACh receptor (muscle) binding Ab, AChR ganglionic neuronal Ab, N-type calcium channel Ab, P/Q-type calcium channel Ab, Striational Ab, Amphiphysin, ANNA-1, ANNA-2, ANNA-3, CRMP-5-IgG, PCA-1, PCA-2, PCA-Tr, AGNA-1, Neuronal voltage gated potassium channel.
Reference Range Information
Interpretive report.
​Antibodies directed at onconeural proteins shared by neurons, glia, muscle, and certain cancers are valuable serological markers of a patient's immune response to cancer. They are not found in healthy subjects, and are usually accompanied by subacute neurological symptoms and signs. Several autoantibodies have a syndromic association, but no autoantibody predicts a specific neurological syndrome. Conversely, a positive autoantibody profile has 80% to 90% predictive value for a specific cancer. It is not uncommon for more than 1 paraneoplastic autoantibody to be detected, each predictive of the same cancer.
For more information visit:
Performing Laboratory Information
Performing Location Day(s) Test Performed Analytical Time Methodology/Instrumentation
Mayo Medical Laboratories​
Striational(striatmuscle) antibodies: Monday through Thursday, Sunday
P/Q-type calcium channel antibody:
N-type calcium channel antibody: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
ACh receptor (muscle) binding antibody: Monday through Thursday, Saturday
AChR ganglionic neuronal antibody:
Neuronal (V-G) K+ channel autoantibody: Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday
Paraneoplastic autoantibody Western blot: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
CRMP-5-IgG Western blot: 
NMO-IgG: Monday through Friday
Amphiphysin Western blot: Tuesday, Thursday
GAD65 antibody assay: Monday through Thursday, Sunday
ACh receptor (muscle) modulating antibodies: Monday through Thursday
10 days (negative)
ANN1S/83381, ANN2S/83382, ANN3S/83137, PCABP/83383, PCAB2/83138, PCATR/83076, AMPHS/83386, CRMS/83077, AGN1S/89080, NMOS/83185: Indirect Immunofluorescence Assay (IFA)
STR/8746: Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)
CCPQ/81185, CCN/81184, GD65S/81596, ARBI/8338, ARMO/83378, GANG/84321, VGKC/89165: Radioimmunoassay (RIA)
WBN/83108, CRMWS/83107, ABLOT/89381: Western Blot​
Reference Lab
For billing questions, see Contacts
Outreach CPTs
CPT Modifier
(if needed)
Quantity Description Comments
83519​ ACh receptor (muscle) binding antibody​
83519​ AChR ganglionic neuronal antibody​
83519​ Neuronal VGKC autoantibody​
83519​ N-type calcium channel antibody​
83519​ P/Q-type calcium channel antibody​
83520 ​ Striational (striated muscle) antibodies
​86255 ​AGNA-1
​86255 ​Amphiphysin
​86255 ​ANNA-1
​86255 ​ANNA-2
​86255 ​ANNA-3
​86255 ​CRMP-5-IgG
​86255 ​PCA-1
​86255 ​PCA-2
​86255 ​PCA-Tr
​83519 ​ACh receptor (muscle) modulating antibodies ​As needed
​84182 ​Amphiphysin Western Blot ​As needed
​84182 ​CRMP-5-IgG Western Blot ​As needed
​84182 ​Paraneoplastic autoantibody Western Blot Confirmation ​As needed
​86255 ​NMO/AQP4-IgG FACS ​As needed
​86255 ​AMPCS ​As needed
​86255 GABCS ​As needed
​86255 NMDCS ​As needed
​86256 ​AMPIS ​As needed
​86256 ​GABIS ​As needed
​86256 ​NMDIS ​As needed
​86256 ​NMO/AQP4-IgG FACS titer ​As needed
​86341 ​GAD65 antibody assay ​As needed
​86255 ​LG1CS ​As needed
​86255 ​CS2CS ​As needed
For most current information refer to the Marshfield Laboratory online reference manual.