This is a screening-only assay performed on urine specimens and is designed to support medical, not forensic, purposes. The detection of drug classes listed in this survey is to be used for compliance monitoring and identification of abuse.
This test recognizes the following drug classes utilizing immunoassay reagents: amphetamines, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, cannabinoids, cocaine, ethanol, methadone, opiate method group, oxycodone, and buprenorphine. Test includes specimen validity testing (creatinine, pH, and oxidants) to detect adulteration, dilution, or substitution of the specimen.
Immunoassay is useful in detecting truly negative samples. However, each immunoassay is more sensitive to some components of the drug class than others, and cross-reactivity of other substances can interfere or alter results. Therefore, this test is intended to be used by a physician or trained provider and interpreted in the context of the patient's symptoms and history.
Positive results are not definitive, and should be considered presumptive. Any presumptive positive results should be confirmed before the results are acted upon. The advantage of this test is that it is low-cost to the patient, and in most cases will give enough information to determine if the patient is adhering to the guidelines of their particular pain management program.
Specimens are kept for 6 business days from the screening date. If confirmation by GC or mass-spectromentry method confirmation or LC/MS/MS is desired to accurately determine what drugs the patient is positive for, please call the laboratory at 93734 within this timeframe. If specimen is available, confirmation testing can be ordered at an additional charge. For specific details of what drugs are detected in each confirmation assay, please refer to the information provided with those specific test codes or inquire with the laboratory's technical staff before ordering.
The immunoassay screening test for the Benzodiazepines drug class does not detect Lorazepam or Clonazepam well. If either of these drugs are suspected, please order the test “Benzodiazepines, Urine, Confirm Only by LC/MSMS” in addition to this test to insure detection if present.