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24897 Xylose Absorption Test (Adult - 25g dose) (FXAB)

Xylose Absorption Test (Adult - 25g dose) (FXAB)
Test Code: MISC
​Ref Lab Code: 57321, D-Xylose, Dxylose
Specimen Requirements
Fasting Required Specimen Type Preferred Container/Tube Acceptable Container/Tube Specimen Volume Specimen Minimum Volume
(allows for 1 repeat)
Pediatric Minimum Volume
(no repeat)
​Yes ​Serum ​Red Top Tube (RTT) 5.0 mL​ 0.5 mL​
Yes (2 hour)​ ​Serum(timed) ​Red Top Tube (RTT) ​5.0 mL ​0.5 mL
​Urine Container​ 5.0 mL​ ​3.0 mL
SUBMIT ALL OF THE FOLLOWING (Read ALL collectioninformation prior to start of test and collection of specimens.) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Collection Processing Instructions
Serum-Required: Fasting serum and Two-hour specimen
Collect blood in plain, red-top tube(s), allow to clot completely
at room temperature. Separate from cells ASAP and label tube
with "Fasting serum" or "Two-hour serum" as appropriate. Ship
specimens refrigerate.
Collect all urine for five hours. Measure and record the volume,
mix well and remove a 5 mL aliquot, label sample "Five-hour
urine". Ship specimen refrigerate.
collection information prior to start of test.
* 25 g Xylose dose must be obtained from a pharmacy.
* Patient should fast for eight hours prior to start of test.
* Patient should empty bladder prior to start of test. (do not collect)
* Prior to xylose administration, collect fasting serum sample, label tube
  Clearly "Fasting Serum"
* Give adults 25 g D-xylose in 250 mL water. Encourage
   patient to drink an additional 250 mL water following xylose
   dose. The patient may have water as desired, but no other
   food or fluids. Smoking should be prohibited. The patient
   should rest in a chair or bed until completion of test. Mild
   diarrhea is common following xylose ingestion.
* Collect the second serum sample two hours after giving the
   xylose dose. Label tube clearly "Two-hour Serum".
* Immediately following xylose dose, COLLECT ALL URINE FOR THE
  NEXT FIVE HOURS.  Measure and record the volume, mix
  well and remove a 5 mL aliquot. Label sample "Five-hour
  Urine", record total volume and the xylose dose given.
Specimen Stability Information
Specimen Type Temperature Time


Timed Serum


​Refrigerated (preferred) ​7 days

​30 days

​Ambient ​4 hours
Rejection Criteria
Hemolysis mild OK; Gross reject
​Thawing ​Warm reject; Cold OK
Performing Laboratory Information
Performing Location Day(s) Test Performed Analytical Time Methodology/Instrumentation
​Mayo Medical Laboratories forwards to ARUP Laboratories ​Tuesday, Thursday ​1-5 days
Quantitative Spectrophotometry​
Reference Lab
Test Information
Several drugs can interfere with test results: Aspirin, Atropine, Cochicine, Digitalis, Indomethacin, MAO Inhibitors, Nalidixic acid, Neomycin, Opium alkaloids, Phenelzine.
Test is forwarded from Mayo Medical Labs to ARUP Laboratories.​
Reference Range Information
Serum fasting specimen: No reference intervals for the fasting
serum: it is used as a blank when testing the two-hour specimen.
Serum xylose at 2 hours:
17 years and older:  32-58 mg/dL
Xylose excretion, % dose 5 hr:
17-64 years:   16-40 %
65 years and older:   14-40 %
Xylose excretion, g/5 hr:
17-64 years:   4.0-10.0 g/5hrs
65 years and older:   3.5-10.0 g/5hrs
Outreach CPTs
CPT Modifier
(if needed)
Quantity Description Comments
​Ref Lab Code: 57321, D-Xylose, Dxylose
Ordering Applications
Ordering Application Description
If the ordering application you are looking for is not listed, contact your local laboratory for assistance.
Specimen Requirements
Fasting Required Specimen Type Preferred Container/Tube Acceptable Container/Tube Specimen Volume Specimen Minimum Volume
(allows for 1 repeat)
Pediatric Minimum Volume
(no repeat)
​Yes ​Serum ​Red Top Tube (RTT) 5.0 mL​ 0.5 mL​
Yes (2 hour)​ ​Serum(timed) ​Red Top Tube (RTT) ​5.0 mL ​0.5 mL
​Urine Container​ 5.0 mL​ ​3.0 mL
SUBMIT ALL OF THE FOLLOWING (Read ALL collectioninformation prior to start of test and collection of specimens.) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Collection Processing
Serum-Required: Fasting serum and Two-hour specimen
Collect blood in plain, red-top tube(s), allow to clot completely
at room temperature. Separate from cells ASAP and label tube
with "Fasting serum" or "Two-hour serum" as appropriate. Ship
specimens refrigerate.
Collect all urine for five hours. Measure and record the volume,
mix well and remove a 5 mL aliquot, label sample "Five-hour
urine". Ship specimen refrigerate.
collection information prior to start of test.
* 25 g Xylose dose must be obtained from a pharmacy.
* Patient should fast for eight hours prior to start of test.
* Patient should empty bladder prior to start of test. (do not collect)
* Prior to xylose administration, collect fasting serum sample, label tube
  Clearly "Fasting Serum"
* Give adults 25 g D-xylose in 250 mL water. Encourage
   patient to drink an additional 250 mL water following xylose
   dose. The patient may have water as desired, but no other
   food or fluids. Smoking should be prohibited. The patient
   should rest in a chair or bed until completion of test. Mild
   diarrhea is common following xylose ingestion.
* Collect the second serum sample two hours after giving the
   xylose dose. Label tube clearly "Two-hour Serum".
* Immediately following xylose dose, COLLECT ALL URINE FOR THE
  NEXT FIVE HOURS.  Measure and record the volume, mix
  well and remove a 5 mL aliquot. Label sample "Five-hour
  Urine", record total volume and the xylose dose given.
Specimen Stability Information
Specimen Type Temperature Time


Timed Serum


​Refrigerated (preferred) ​7 days

​30 days

​Ambient ​4 hours
Rejection Criteria
Hemolysis mild OK; Gross reject
​Thawing ​Warm reject; Cold OK
Reference Range Information
Serum fasting specimen: No reference intervals for the fasting
serum: it is used as a blank when testing the two-hour specimen.
Serum xylose at 2 hours:
17 years and older:  32-58 mg/dL
Xylose excretion, % dose 5 hr:
17-64 years:   16-40 %
65 years and older:   14-40 %
Xylose excretion, g/5 hr:
17-64 years:   4.0-10.0 g/5hrs
65 years and older:   3.5-10.0 g/5hrs
For more information visit:
Performing Laboratory Information
Performing Location Day(s) Test Performed Analytical Time Methodology/Instrumentation
​Mayo Medical Laboratories forwards to ARUP Laboratories ​Tuesday, Thursday ​1-5 days
Quantitative Spectrophotometry​
Reference Lab
For billing questions, see Contacts
Outreach CPTs
CPT Modifier
(if needed)
Quantity Description Comments
For most current information refer to the Marshfield Laboratory online reference manual.