Detects Giardia antigen only. Giardia is one of the most common protozoan parasites encountered in the US and represent 85% of all significant parasites recovered in our laboratory. Therefore, routine O & P screens only for these organisms. This EIA method had a sensitivity and specificity >95% for these two organisms. Only a single sample is recommended. Complete microscopic examination is available but should be reserved for patients who have a history of travel or residency in a developing country, AIDS patients, patients in whom roundworms or tapeworms are suspected, or patients in whom symptoms persist despite a negative test for Cryptosporidium and Giardia. See Ova and Parasites, Special if complete examination is needed.
Duodenal fluid - Giardia, Cryptosporidium and Strongyloides are the typical pathogens seen in the duodenum. For Strongyloides see Ova and Parasites, Special in our test reference manual.