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24977 OB Panel HIV-1,2 Ab w/Confirm

OB Panel HIV-1,2 Ab w/Confirm
Test Code: OBHIV
​Prenatal Panel
Test Components
​Panel includes a CBC with automated differential, Blood typing (ABO and Rh factor), Antibody Screen, Syphilis IgG Antibody, Rubella Antibody and Hepatitis B Surface Antigen, HIV-1,2 Ab/Ag by EIA with Confirmation.
Specimen Requirements
Fasting Required Specimen Type Preferred Container/Tube Acceptable Container/Tube Specimen Volume Specimen Minimum Volume
(allows for 1 repeat)
Pediatric Minimum Volume
(no repeat)
Whole Blood
Pink Top Tube (PTT)
Red Top Tube (RTT) or Serum Separator Tube (SST)
EDTA whole blood (Lavender Top Tube)
6 mL whole blood (Pink Top Tube for transfusion service)
4 mL serum
3 mL EDTA whole blood (Lavender Top Tube)​
Collection Processing Instructions
CBC with automated differential to be performed at local site; other tests to be sent to Marshfield Center.
High doses of exogenous biotin (also termed Vitamin B7, Vitamin H or Coenzyme R) may interfere with this assay (HAA). It is recommended that patients refrain from consuming any multivitamin or supplement containing biotin for at least 72 hours prior to collection of a blood sample.
Specimen Stability Information
Specimen Type Temperature Time​
Whole Blood (HGMPA)​ ​ ​Ambient ​<24 hours
​Refrigerate ​ ​<48 hours
​>48 hours may be reported with additional comments
Whole Blood (T+S)​​ ​Refrigerate ​<72 hours
​Serum (SYPHAB & RUBELLA) ​ ​Refrigerate ​7 days
​Frozen ​>7 days
​Serum (HAA) ​ ​ ​Ambient ​<8 hours
​Refrigerate ​14 days
​Frozen -20°C ​6 months
​Serum (HIVR) ​ ​ ​Ambient ​24 hours
​Refrigerate ​14 days
​Frozen -20°C ​8 months
High doses of exogenous biotin (also termed Vitamin B7, Vitamin H or Coenzyme R) may interfere with this assay (HAA).
Performing Laboratory Information
Performing Location Day(s) Test Performed Analytical Time Methodology/Instrumentation
Bloomer​ HGMPA:  Monday through Friday ​​Less than 2 hours Electrical Impediance/ABX Micros 60/Light Microscopy
​Chippewa Falls ​HGMPA: Monday through Friday ​​Less than 2 hours Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600/Light Microscopy
​Colby/Abbotsford ​HGMPA: Monday through Friday ​​Less than 2 hours Electrical Impediance/ABX Micros 60/Light Microscopy
​Cumberland ​HGMPA: Monday through Friday Less than 2 hours Electrical Impediance/ABX Micros 60/Light Microscopy
​Diagnostic Treatment Center ​ ​HGMPA: Monday through Sunday Less than 2 hours Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600/Light Microscopy
​T+S:  Monday through Sunday ​Less than 2 hours ​Serological
​Eau Claire ​HGMPA: Monday through Sunday Less than 2 hours Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600/Light Microscopy
​Hayward ​HGMPA: Monday through Friday ​​Less than 2 hours Electrical Impediance/ABX Micros 60/Light Microscopy
​Ladysmith Medical Center ​HGMPA: Monday through Sunday ​​Less than 2 hours Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600/Light Microscopy
​Lake Hallie ​HGMPA: Monday through Sunday ​​Less than 2 hours Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600/Light Microscopy
​Lakeview Medical Center ​ HGMPA: Monday through Sunday ​​Less than 2 hours Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600/Light Microscopy
​Marshfield-Clinical Automated ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ HGMPA: Monday through Sunday Less than 2 hours Unicel Beckman Coulter DxH800/Light Microscopy
Marshfield-Transfusion Service​ ​​T+S: Monday through Sunday ​Less than 2 hours ​​Serological
​Marshfield-Clinical Esoteric Automated ​ ​SYPHAB:  Monday through Friday ​1 day Multiplex Flow Immunoassay/Bio-Rad BioPlex 2200
​RUBELLA:  Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours Multiplex Flow Immunoassay/Bio-Rad BioPlex 2200
​​Marshfield-Clinical Automated ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​ ​HAA:  Monday through Friday ​1 day Microparticle Chemiluminometric Immunoassay/Siemens Centaur
​HIVR:  Monday through Friday ​1 day Sandwich Chemiluminometric Immunoassay/Siemens Centaur
​Merrill HGMPA: Monday through Saturday ​​Less than 2 hours Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600/Light Microscopy
​Minocqua ​HGMPA: Monday through Sunday ​​Less than 2 hours Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600/Light Microscopy
Neillsville​ ​​HGMPA: Monday through Sunday​​​Less than 2 hoursElectrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600/Light Microscopy
​Stettin ​HGMPA: Monday through Friday ​​Less than 2 hours Electrical Impediance/ABX Micros 60/Light Microscopy
​Wausau HGMPA: Monday through Sunday ​​Less than 2 hours Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600/Light Microscopy
​Wittenberg ​HGMPA: Monday through Friday ​​Less than 2 hours Electrical Impediance/ABX Micros 60/Light Microscopy
Test Information
If the HIV-1,2 Ab/Ag by EIA test is repeatedly reactive, an HIV Confirmation and Differentiation assay is reflexively ordered and sent to the appropriate laboratory.  Marshfield Responsible Sections: Hematology – Clinical Automated, Transfusion Services, Immunodiagnostics – Clinical Esoteric Automated, Chemistry – Clinical Automated. Interpretive Contacts: Dr. Thomas Novicki or Dr. Thomas Fritsche for infectious disease components, Dr. Kajal Sitwala for other components.
Reference Range Information
See individual tests for reference ranges.
Outreach CPTs
CPT Modifier
(if needed)
Quantity Description Comments
​85025 1​ ​CBC with auto diff
​86762 ​1 ​Rubella Ab
​86850 ​1 ​Antibody Screen
​86900 ​1 ​ABO
​86901 ​1 ​RH
​86780 ​1 ​Syphilis, treponemal
​86593 ​1 ​RPR (if needed)
​86780 1​ ​TP-PA (if needed)
​87389 ​1 ​HIV-1 Ag, with HIV-1 and HIV-2 Abs, single result
​87340 ​1 ​Hepatitis B Surface Antigen
​86689 ​2 ​HIV-1 and HIV-2 (if needed)
​86702 ​1 ​HIV-2 Antibody Evaluation (if needed)
​86701 ​1 ​HIV-1 Antibody Evaluation (if needed)
​Prenatal Panel
Test Components
​Panel includes a CBC with automated differential, Blood typing (ABO and Rh factor), Antibody Screen, Syphilis IgG Antibody, Rubella Antibody and Hepatitis B Surface Antigen, HIV-1,2 Ab/Ag by EIA with Confirmation.
Ordering Applications
Ordering Application Description
​Centricity ​OB Panel HIV-1,2 Ab w/Confirm
​Cerner ​OB panel HIV-1,2 Antibody with confirm
​COM OB Panel HIV-1,2 Ab w/Confirm
If the ordering application you are looking for is not listed, contact your local laboratory for assistance.
Specimen Requirements
Fasting Required Specimen Type Preferred Container/Tube Acceptable Container/Tube Specimen Volume Specimen Minimum Volume
(allows for 1 repeat)
Pediatric Minimum Volume
(no repeat)
Whole Blood
Pink Top Tube (PTT)
Red Top Tube (RTT) or Serum Separator Tube (SST)
EDTA whole blood (Lavender Top Tube)
6 mL whole blood (Pink Top Tube for transfusion service)
4 mL serum
3 mL EDTA whole blood (Lavender Top Tube)​
Collection Processing
CBC with automated differential to be performed at local site; other tests to be sent to Marshfield Center.
High doses of exogenous biotin (also termed Vitamin B7, Vitamin H or Coenzyme R) may interfere with this assay (HAA). It is recommended that patients refrain from consuming any multivitamin or supplement containing biotin for at least 72 hours prior to collection of a blood sample.
Specimen Stability Information
Specimen Type Temperature Time​
Whole Blood (HGMPA)​ ​ ​Ambient ​<24 hours
​Refrigerate ​ ​<48 hours
​>48 hours may be reported with additional comments
Whole Blood (T+S)​​ ​Refrigerate ​<72 hours
​Serum (SYPHAB & RUBELLA) ​ ​Refrigerate ​7 days
​Frozen ​>7 days
​Serum (HAA) ​ ​ ​Ambient ​<8 hours
​Refrigerate ​14 days
​Frozen -20°C ​6 months
​Serum (HIVR) ​ ​ ​Ambient ​24 hours
​Refrigerate ​14 days
​Frozen -20°C ​8 months
High doses of exogenous biotin (also termed Vitamin B7, Vitamin H or Coenzyme R) may interfere with this assay (HAA).
Test Components
​Panel includes a CBC with automated differential, Blood typing (ABO and Rh factor), Antibody Screen, Syphilis IgG Antibody, Rubella Antibody and Hepatitis B Surface Antigen, HIV-1,2 Ab/Ag by EIA with Confirmation.
Reference Range Information
See individual tests for reference ranges.
For more information visit:
Performing Laboratory Information
Performing Location Day(s) Test Performed Analytical Time Methodology/Instrumentation
Bloomer​ HGMPA:  Monday through Friday ​​Less than 2 hours Electrical Impediance/ABX Micros 60/Light Microscopy
​Chippewa Falls ​HGMPA: Monday through Friday ​​Less than 2 hours Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600/Light Microscopy
​Colby/Abbotsford ​HGMPA: Monday through Friday ​​Less than 2 hours Electrical Impediance/ABX Micros 60/Light Microscopy
​Cumberland ​HGMPA: Monday through Friday Less than 2 hours Electrical Impediance/ABX Micros 60/Light Microscopy
​Diagnostic Treatment Center ​ ​HGMPA: Monday through Sunday Less than 2 hours Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600/Light Microscopy
​T+S:  Monday through Sunday ​Less than 2 hours ​Serological
​Eau Claire ​HGMPA: Monday through Sunday Less than 2 hours Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600/Light Microscopy
​Hayward ​HGMPA: Monday through Friday ​​Less than 2 hours Electrical Impediance/ABX Micros 60/Light Microscopy
​Ladysmith Medical Center ​HGMPA: Monday through Sunday ​​Less than 2 hours Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600/Light Microscopy
​Lake Hallie ​HGMPA: Monday through Sunday ​​Less than 2 hours Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600/Light Microscopy
​Lakeview Medical Center ​ HGMPA: Monday through Sunday ​​Less than 2 hours Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600/Light Microscopy
​Marshfield-Clinical Automated ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ HGMPA: Monday through Sunday Less than 2 hours Unicel Beckman Coulter DxH800/Light Microscopy
Marshfield-Transfusion Service​ ​​T+S: Monday through Sunday ​Less than 2 hours ​​Serological
​Marshfield-Clinical Esoteric Automated ​ ​SYPHAB:  Monday through Friday ​1 day Multiplex Flow Immunoassay/Bio-Rad BioPlex 2200
​RUBELLA:  Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours Multiplex Flow Immunoassay/Bio-Rad BioPlex 2200
​​Marshfield-Clinical Automated ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​ ​HAA:  Monday through Friday ​1 day Microparticle Chemiluminometric Immunoassay/Siemens Centaur
​HIVR:  Monday through Friday ​1 day Sandwich Chemiluminometric Immunoassay/Siemens Centaur
​Merrill HGMPA: Monday through Saturday ​​Less than 2 hours Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600/Light Microscopy
​Minocqua ​HGMPA: Monday through Sunday ​​Less than 2 hours Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600/Light Microscopy
Neillsville​ ​​HGMPA: Monday through Sunday​​​Less than 2 hoursElectrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600/Light Microscopy
​Stettin ​HGMPA: Monday through Friday ​​Less than 2 hours Electrical Impediance/ABX Micros 60/Light Microscopy
​Wausau HGMPA: Monday through Sunday ​​Less than 2 hours Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600/Light Microscopy
​Wittenberg ​HGMPA: Monday through Friday ​​Less than 2 hours Electrical Impediance/ABX Micros 60/Light Microscopy
For billing questions, see Contacts
Outreach CPTs
CPT Modifier
(if needed)
Quantity Description Comments
​85025 1​ ​CBC with auto diff
​86762 ​1 ​Rubella Ab
​86850 ​1 ​Antibody Screen
​86900 ​1 ​ABO
​86901 ​1 ​RH
​86780 ​1 ​Syphilis, treponemal
​86593 ​1 ​RPR (if needed)
​86780 1​ ​TP-PA (if needed)
​87389 ​1 ​HIV-1 Ag, with HIV-1 and HIV-2 Abs, single result
​87340 ​1 ​Hepatitis B Surface Antigen
​86689 ​2 ​HIV-1 and HIV-2 (if needed)
​86702 ​1 ​HIV-2 Antibody Evaluation (if needed)
​86701 ​1 ​HIV-1 Antibody Evaluation (if needed)
For most current information refer to the Marshfield Laboratory online reference manual.