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26015 Hemoglobin Preop Anemia Screen

Hemoglobin Preop Anemia Screen
Test Code: HGBPO
​Anemia Screen
Test Components

Reflex testing for HGMPA, FERRIT and FETIBC

Useful For
​Anemia screening and shortening the order time for reflex testing needed to diagnose and treat iron deficiency anemia prior to surgery.  Reflex Ferritin, Iron binding capacity, and HGMPA for hemoglobin results of <12.0 g/dL will automatically be ordered.
Specimen Requirements
Fasting Required Specimen Type Preferred Container/Tube Acceptable Container/Tube Specimen Volume Specimen Minimum Volume
(allows for 1 repeat)
Pediatric Minimum Volume
(no repeat)
​No ​Whole Blood ​Lavendar Top Tube (LTT) ​3 mL ​1 mL
​No ​Serum ​Serum Separator Tube (SST) ​4 mL ​3 mL
Specimen Stability Information
Specimen Type Temperature Time
​See individual FETIBC, FERRITIN and HGB Stabilities ​ ​
Performing Laboratory Information
Performing Location Day(s) Test Performed Analytical Time Methodology/Instrumentation
Bloomer​ ​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Cadott ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ ​Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Chetek ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Chippewa Falls ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600
​Colby/Abbotsford ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Cornell ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Cumberland ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Diagnostic Treatment Center ​Monday through Sunday​ ​Less than 2 hours​ Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600
​Eagle River ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Eau Claire ​Monday through Sunday​ ​Less than 2 hours​ Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600
​Flambeau Hospital ​Monday through Sunday​ ​Less than 2 hours​ Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600
​Hayward ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Ladysmith Medical Center ​​Monday through Sunday ​Less than 2 hours​ Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600
​Lake Hallie ​Monday through Sunday​ ​Less than 2 hours​ Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600
​Lakeview Medical Center ​Monday through Sunday​ ​Less than 2 hours​ Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600
Lakewoods​ ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Marshfield ​Monday through Sunday​ ​Less than 2 hours​ Unicel Beckman Coulter DxH800​
​Menomonie ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Mercer ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Merrill ​Monday through Saturday​ ​Less than 2 hours​ Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600
​Minocqua ​Monday through Sunday​ ​Less than 2 hours​ Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600
​Mosinee ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Neillsville​Monday through Sunday​​Less than 2 hours​Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600
​Oakwood ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Phillips ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Rhinelander ​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours ​​Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Stettin ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Stevens Point ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600
​Wausau ​Monday through Sunday​ ​Less than 2 hours​ Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600
​Wisconsin Rapids ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600
Wittenberg​ ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
Reference Range Information
Performing Location Reference Range
​All Sites
​Females:  HGB <12.0 g/dL
Males:      HGB <13.0 g/dL
-will automatically reflex testing for FERRITIN, FETIBC and HGMPA.
Outreach CPTs
CPT Modifier
(if needed)
Quantity Description Comments
​85018 ​1 ​Hemoglobin
​83540 ​1 ​Iron ​If needed
​83550 ​1 ​Iron Binding Capacity ​If needed
​85025 ​1 ​CBC w/ Auto Diff ​If needed
​82728 ​1 ​Ferritin ​If needed
​Anemia Screen
Test Components

Reflex testing for HGMPA, FERRIT and FETIBC

Ordering Applications
Ordering Application Description
If the ordering application you are looking for is not listed, contact your local laboratory for assistance.
Specimen Requirements
Fasting Required Specimen Type Preferred Container/Tube Acceptable Container/Tube Specimen Volume Specimen Minimum Volume
(allows for 1 repeat)
Pediatric Minimum Volume
(no repeat)
​No ​Whole Blood ​Lavendar Top Tube (LTT) ​3 mL ​1 mL
​No ​Serum ​Serum Separator Tube (SST) ​4 mL ​3 mL
Specimen Stability Information
Specimen Type Temperature Time
​See individual FETIBC, FERRITIN and HGB Stabilities ​ ​
Useful For
​Anemia screening and shortening the order time for reflex testing needed to diagnose and treat iron deficiency anemia prior to surgery.  Reflex Ferritin, Iron binding capacity, and HGMPA for hemoglobin results of <12.0 g/dL will automatically be ordered.
Test Components

Reflex testing for HGMPA, FERRIT and FETIBC

Reference Range Information
Performing Location Reference Range
​All Sites
​Females:  HGB <12.0 g/dL
Males:      HGB <13.0 g/dL
-will automatically reflex testing for FERRITIN, FETIBC and HGMPA.
For more information visit:
Performing Laboratory Information
Performing Location Day(s) Test Performed Analytical Time Methodology/Instrumentation
Bloomer​ ​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Cadott ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ ​Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Chetek ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Chippewa Falls ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600
​Colby/Abbotsford ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Cornell ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Cumberland ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Diagnostic Treatment Center ​Monday through Sunday​ ​Less than 2 hours​ Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600
​Eagle River ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Eau Claire ​Monday through Sunday​ ​Less than 2 hours​ Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600
​Flambeau Hospital ​Monday through Sunday​ ​Less than 2 hours​ Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600
​Hayward ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Ladysmith Medical Center ​​Monday through Sunday ​Less than 2 hours​ Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600
​Lake Hallie ​Monday through Sunday​ ​Less than 2 hours​ Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600
​Lakeview Medical Center ​Monday through Sunday​ ​Less than 2 hours​ Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600
Lakewoods​ ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Marshfield ​Monday through Sunday​ ​Less than 2 hours​ Unicel Beckman Coulter DxH800​
​Menomonie ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Mercer ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Merrill ​Monday through Saturday​ ​Less than 2 hours​ Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600
​Minocqua ​Monday through Sunday​ ​Less than 2 hours​ Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600
​Mosinee ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Neillsville​Monday through Sunday​​Less than 2 hours​Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600
​Oakwood ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Phillips ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Rhinelander ​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours ​​Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Stettin ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
​Stevens Point ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600
​Wausau ​Monday through Sunday​ ​Less than 2 hours​ Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600
​Wisconsin Rapids ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Electrical Impediance/Beckman Coulter DXH600
Wittenberg​ ​​Monday through Friday ​Less than 2 hours​ Spectrophotmetric/Beckman Coulter ACT5 DIFF-CP
For billing questions, see Contacts
Outreach CPTs
CPT Modifier
(if needed)
Quantity Description Comments
​85018 ​1 ​Hemoglobin
​83540 ​1 ​Iron ​If needed
​83550 ​1 ​Iron Binding Capacity ​If needed
​85025 ​1 ​CBC w/ Auto Diff ​If needed
​82728 ​1 ​Ferritin ​If needed
For most current information refer to the Marshfield Laboratory online reference manual.