COMMON PANEL: C, c, E, e, M, N, S, s, K, k, Fya, Fyb, Jka, Jkb, Jsa, Jsb, Doa, Dob, Lua, Lub, Kpa, U, Uvar
RhVARIANT PANEL: C, E, c, e (including ces), hrS (Rh19), hrB (Rh31), altered C (r'S), V, VS, Crawford (Rh43)
Whn phenotyping is not possible due to recent transfusion or a positive DAT.
To help resolve the weak expression of blood group antigens, for example when two or more serological reagents give conflicting results.
When a partial or variant antigen is present leading to conflicting serological antibody investigations.
To provide antigen-negative and crossmatch-compatible blood to help prevent red cell alloimmunization.
3 days
Same day (for sample arriving by 10 am)